Personal Rofi Configuration

Welcome to the configuration hub for my Rofi setup! This directory holds all the details about the themes, scripts, and personal tweaks that make my Rofi setup unique. If you're looking to customize your own setup or are just curious about my configuration, you're in the right place.

Table of Contents


To install my Rofi configuration, simply clone my dotfiles repository and copy the Rofi configuration files to your Rofi config directory:

git clone
cp -r dotfiles/machines/personal/applications/rofi ~/.config/rofi


The main configuration file is config.rasi, which includes settings for display, fonts, and modules. You can customize it to fit your needs.


Here's a list of some themes I use in my Rofi setup:

  • theme.rasi for the main theme
  • rounded-common.rasi for rounded corners and common styles

For a full list of themes and their configurations, refer to the themes directory.


Here’s a peek at my setup:
