Password Generator Script

This script generates secure passwords based on user-defined configurations. It allows users to customize password length, character types, and other security features. Users can save, load, and manage multiple configurations.

Table of Contents


To use the script, run it from the command line with the following options:

./pass-gen # Generate passwords using the last or default configuration
./pass-gen -c, --config # Open the configuration menu
./pass-gen -g, --generate N # Generate N passwords using current configuration
./pass-gen -l, --load NAME # Load a specific configuration
./pass-gen -s, --save NAME # Save current configuration with a specific name
./pass-gen -h, --help # Display help information
./pass-gen -v, --version # Display version information


  • Generate Passwords: Generate secure passwords based on the current configuration.
  • Configuration Menu: Customize password length, character types, and other security features.
  • Save/Load Configurations: Save and load multiple configurations for different use cases.
  • Exclude Characters: Exclude specific characters from the generated passwords.
  • No Similar Characters: Avoid similar characters (e.g., 1, I, O, l) in passwords.
  • No Duplicate Characters: Ensure no duplicate characters in passwords.
  • No Sequential Characters: Avoid sequential characters in passwords.


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd dotfiles/scripts/pass-gen
  2. Make the script executable:

    chmod +x pass-gen
  3. Run the script:


Code Reference

The main script is located in the following file: