1import {
2 ChatInputCommandInteraction,
3 PermissionFlagsBits,
4 SlashCommandBuilder,
5} from 'discord.js'
6import { Command } from '@/types/bot'
8export default {
9 data: new SlashCommandBuilder()
10 .setName('timeout')
11 .setDescription('Timeout a user')
12 .addUserOption((option) =>
13 option
14 .setName('user')
15 .setDescription('The user to timeout')
16 .setRequired(true),
17 )
18 .addStringOption((option) =>
19 option
20 .setName('duration')
21 .setDescription('Timeout duration (e.g., 1h, 30m, 1d)')
22 .setRequired(true),
23 )
24 .addStringOption((option) =>
25 option
26 .setName('reason')
27 .setDescription('Reason for the timeout')
28 .setRequired(false),
29 )
30 .setDefaultMemberPermissions(PermissionFlagsBits.ModerateMembers),
32 async execute(interaction: ChatInputCommandInteraction) {
33 const target = interaction.options.getUser('user', true)
34 const durationStr = interaction.options.getString('duration', true)
35 const reason =
36 interaction.options.getString('reason') ?? 'No reason provided'
38 const durationMatch = durationStr.match(/^(\d+)([hmd])$/)
39 if (!durationMatch) {
40 await interaction.reply({
41 content: 'Invalid duration format! Use format like: 1h, 30m, or 1d',
42 ephemeral: true,
43 })
44 return
45 }
47 const [, amount, unit] = durationMatch
48 const multiplier =
49 unit === 'h' ? 3600000
50 : unit === 'm' ? 60000
51 : 86400000
52 const duration = parseInt(amount) * multiplier
54 if (duration > 2419200000) {
55 // 28 days in milliseconds
56 await interaction.reply({
57 content: 'Timeout duration cannot be longer than 28 days!',
58 ephemeral: true,
59 })
60 return
61 }
63 const member = interaction.guild?.members.cache.get(target.id)
65 if (!member) {
66 await interaction.reply({
67 content: 'User not found in this server!',
68 ephemeral: true,
69 })
70 return
71 }
73 if (!member.moderatable) {
74 await interaction.reply({
75 content: 'I cannot timeout this user!',
76 ephemeral: true,
77 })
78 return
79 }
81 await member.timeout(
82 duration,
83 `${reason} - Muted by ${interaction.user.tag}`,
84 )
85 await interaction.reply(`🔇 **Timed out ${target.tag}**\nReason: ${reason}`)
86 },
87} as Command