
1import type { ISkill } from '@/interfaces/IConfig'
3export const skills: ISkill[] = [
4	{
5		name: 'JavaScript',
6		level: 90,
7		iconName: 'SiJavascript',
8		description:
9			'I have been coding in JavaScript for over 5 years. I have worked with many popular libraries and frameworks such as React, Node.js, and Express.',
10		color: '#F7DF1E',
11	},
12	{
13		name: 'TypeScript',
14		level: 90,
15		iconName: 'SiTypescript',
16		description:
17			'Extensive experience with TypeScript in both frontend and backend development.',
18		color: '#3178C6',
19	},
20	{
21		name: 'Python',
22		level: 71,
23		iconName: 'SiPython',
24		description:
25			'Experience with Python for backend development and automation.',
26		color: '#3776AB',
27	},
28	{
29		name: 'Rust',
30		level: 25,
31		iconName: 'SiRust',
32		description: 'Growing experience with Rust for systems programming.',
33		color: '#000000',
34	},
35	{
36		name: 'HTML5',
37		level: 100,
38		iconName: 'SiHtml5',
39		description: 'Expert knowledge of HTML5 and modern web standards.',
40		color: '#E34F26',
41	},
42	{
43		name: 'Tailwind CSS',
44		level: 100,
45		iconName: 'SiTailwindcss',
46		description: 'Proficient in building responsive designs with Tailwind CSS.',
47		color: '#06B6D4',
48	},
49	{
50		name: 'Astro',
51		level: 70,
52		iconName: 'SiAstro',
53		description: 'Experience building static sites with Astro framework.',
54		color: '#FF5D01',
55	},
56	{
57		name: 'Nuxt.js',
58		level: 70,
59		iconName: 'SiNuxtdotjs',
60		description: 'Currently learning and building with Nuxt.js framework.',
61		color: '#00DC82',
62	},
63	{
64		name: 'Vim',
65		level: 20,
66		iconName: 'SiVim',
67		description: 'Proficient in Vim for development.',
68		color: '#57A143',
69	},
70	{
71		name: 'Cloud Services',
72		level: 50,
73		iconName: 'SiGooglecloud',
74		description:
75			'Experience with multiple cloud platforms including Azure, Cloudflare, and Google Cloud.',
76		color: '#4285F4',
77	},